The Ombuds Office provides a variety of services (for individuals, groups, and administrators) to members of the UCR community. These include: confidential individual consultations, facilitation, educational workshops & resources, conflict climate assessment, and systemic feedback. Generally, a confidential individual consultation is the first step of any process in order to assess which service best matches the circumstances. For more information, please contact us or schedule a individual consultation.
*Please note that the Ombuds Office does not offer or participate in recorded consultations.
Confidential Individual Consultation
Faculty, staff, students or anyone with a UCR related concern or conflict may consult confidentially with the Ombuds Office. The Ombuds will work with Visitors to analyze their concern, to prioritize goals and objectives, to identify relevant university policies, procedures, and resources, and to brainstorm and evaluate potential courses of action. These individual consultations are typically the first step in any process involving the Office of the Ombuds. Contact us to schedule a consultation or to learn more about the Initial Consultation.
*Please note that the Ombuds Office does not offer or participate in recorded consultations.
Informal Assistance
The Ombuds may take informal action to resolve or ameliorate a situation if after the initial consultation the Ombuds and Visitor jointly agree that such action is warranted. Such informal assistance includes: gathering information, clarifying policies & procedures, acting as an impartial intermediary, or facilitating a conversation.
The Office of the Ombuds provides a variety of services for groups. Typically, most group processes begin with an initial confidential individual consultation, during which the Ombuds and Visitor jointly assess which process is most appropriate for the circumstances, engage in the initial stages of process design, and agree upon the scope of the Ombuds' involvement. Group services include:
Facilitated Conversations or Mediation
The Ombuds may serve as an impartial facilitator or mediator between parties in conflict with the assent of all interested parties as well as the Ombuds. In this facilitative role, the Ombuds does not adjudicate or determine the best course of action for the parties, but rather helps facilitate dialogue, mutual understanding, and shared agreements between the parties.
The Office of the Ombuds provides educational workshops on a variety of topics, typically related to conflict or communication. These workshops can be tailored to the needs of the audience. If you are interested in a workshop, please contact us to discuss your needs. Topics include:
- Understanding & Navigating Conflict.
- Managing Conflict (for managers & supervisors)
- Listening for Understanding (Active Listening)
- Ethics
- Fairness
- Communication in Conflict
- Interest-based decision making
- Dispute Resolution Systems Design
- Conflict Escalation
- Conflict Styles
- Cross Cultural Conflict
- Abrasive Conduct, Toxic Leadership, & Bullying
- Facilitation and Mediation Skills
Other Group Processes
The Office of the Ombuds provides other services to groups or whole units. These processes require the voluntary participation of the interested parties. Below are a couple examples of such group processes.
- Conflict Climate Assessment – This is a process in which the Ombuds meets with a whole unit that is experiencing challenging conflict dynamics to help the unit collectively assess and strategize about how to address, and improve these dynamics.
- Communication Protocols – The Ombuds facilitates discussion around a series of questions that assist the unit in proactively establishing expectations about how members in the unit are to communicate with one another, particularly when they are in conflict with one another.
Systemic Input
The Ombuds meets regularly with administrators at all levels of the University to discuss patterns or emergent systemic challenges that could use attention, without breaching the confidentiality of any individual visitors to the Ombuds Office. The Ombuds can serve as a confidential sounding board for administrators facing significant organizational challenges. The Ombuds Office frequently initiates these meetings with administrators but also welcomes initiation from administrators. Please feel to contact us to setup a meeting.